Woven Strap Collection
A collection of one of a kid woven bags, made from materials that wouldv’e otherwise gone to the landfill.
The denim and canvas straps from this collection were donated by Shu Bertrand, the founder of a beautiful zero waste brand, aplát. Shu and I met in 2021 through our mutual passion for upcycling, food, and creating beautiful objects that coexist with our environemnt. Soon after she began a collection of beautiful dog toys in order to utilize leftover strap material from her products. I enthusisticall jumpd in to help knot these toys, and at the end of the collection kept the leftover lenghts.
These straps have traveled to different states, lived in different boxes and two storage units. I have finally set out to use these materials in what became my Woven Bag Colelction.